Training Materials

What you Need to Know about Signs, Signals, & Other Traffic Control Devices: An Overview for All Roadway Personnel & Elected Officials - Jan 12, 2021

This 1-hour webinar will provide a brief overview of the MUTCD - the manual that governs how all signs, signals, pavement markings, work zones, school zones, bike & pedestrian facilities, and railroad crossings should look and operate. This training is geared toward newly-elected officials and new employees of street and highway departments, along with anyone else who would like a refresher on how and when to use the current MUTCD.

Instructor: Laura Slusher, Indiana LTAP




LTAP Snowplow Webinar - Nov. 30, 2020

This webinar will train attendees to more efficiently use their equipment as well as reduce the risk of accidents and injury. Topics in this workshop include: safe practices, developing a culture of safety, plow equipment, plow technique, and maintenance. Instructor: Steve Moriarty, Superintendent at Kosciusko County Highway Department 



Right-of-Way Plant Concerns: Controlling the Plants that Can Harm You - Sept. 10, 2020

In this webinar, we will cover ROW plant management, PPE, and how to identify harmful plant species. This webinar is suitable for all local government personnel, public agencies, consultants, planners, elected officials, and anyone else interested in invasive species and vegetation management.



Our Unique Opportunity to Improve Road Safety WEBINAR - August 27, 2020

All of us are in positions where we can influence road safety for the good. We will discuss having a focused perspective about safety on the roads in our jurisdiction, getting data in front of us, and some thoughts on how to use the data. Finally, we will survey some effective countermeasures that the data might suggest. Throughout this webinar, we all will gain a greater awareness of the depth of the problem, and how each of us, in the place we sit, have a unique opportunity to improve road safety in our communities for our friends and neighbors.



Roadway Safety Audit WEBINAR - August 13th, 2020

In this webinar, we will cover what comprises a Road Safety Audit (RSA), the benefits of an RSA, how an RSA can lead to funding opportunities, and how to conduct an RSA. This webinar is suitable for all local government personnel, public agencies, consultants, planners, elected officials, and anyone else interested in improving the safety of roadways.



TTC: Flagging Part 2 WEBINAR - July 20th, 2020

In 2018 755 individuals were killed in work zones in the US.  The flagger plays a critical role in reducing this number by providing safe passage for motorists through work zones.  In Part 2 we will discuss the proper way to flag traffic, AFAD usage, and flagging best practices.  Attendees will learn proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel and designed to help reduce the risk of traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

Instructor: Todd Morrison PE



How To Learn Online - July 14th, 2020

Your brain is specifically wired to learn, and it began to form the neurons, synapses, and neural pathways that are the foundation of learning long before you were even born. Understanding how your brain processes information is not only fascinating, it's also very helpful for learning most effectively.  Using personal experience and a practical understanding of learning theory and human stress response, John Ryynanen, President of Edwin Learning, LLC, will provide simple things learners can do to optimize learning through the three most common formats: In-person, webinars, and eLearning.

Instructor: John Ryynanen



TTC: Flagging Part 1​ WEBINAR - July 6th, 2020

In 2018 755 individuals were killed in work zones in the US.  The flagger plays a critical role in reducing this number by providing safe passage for motorists through work zones.  Part 1 of this two part webinar series will discuss why flagging is important, how to properly set up a flagging work zone, and different types of flagging operations. 

Instructor: Todd Morrison PE



TTC: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Considerations WEBINAR - June 29th, 2020

In 2018, 122 pedestrians were killed in work zones in the US.  Non motorized users such as pedestrians and bicyclists face unique challenges in navigating work zones.  As public agencies and contractors, we are bound by the MUTCD to provide for pedestrian traffic in our work zones and we should consider bicyclist.  MUTCD guidance for pedestrian and bicyclist access along with best practices will be covered in this webinar.​

Topics discussed include detour and diversion of sidewalks, channelizing devices, detectable edging, temporary curb ramps, effective communication and bicyclist accommodation.

Instructor: Todd Morrison PE


Local Projects and INDOT Contractor Prequalification Webinar - June 23, 2020

This webinar will be an overview of INDOT’s prequalification process. We will discuss the enabling statute that requires INDOT to prequalify contractors, the application and vetting process, technical requirements of INDOT work types, the terms of a certificate of qualification, and the Department’s performance regulation program. The purpose of this is to empower local leaders to utilize INDOT prequalification to its fullest value in advertising work and selecting contractors.

Instructor: Chris Serak, Patrick Goralski, & Jose Murillo



Maintaining a Safer Roadway - June 9th, 2020

In this one-hour webinar, you will learn how everyday roadway maintenance tasks can improve the safety of the road. We will cover how to identify and correct common issues that can contribute to crashes

Instructor: Laura Slusher PE



Temporary Traffic Control for Local Roads: Planning and Design - May 5, 2020

Managing traffic during road construction can be a challenge for our local agencies and the public. It is all about good planning and communication. This session will cover the basics of planning and design for temporary traffic control on our local roads. Become familiar with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and learn to use it as a reference for designing temporary traffic control plans.​

Instructor: Todd Morrison PE



Temporary Traffic Control for Local Roads:  Managing the Job Site - April 28, 2020

Managing the jobsite during road construction can be a challenge for the entire department. Everyone involved in the project needs to understand the work zone plan and how to remain safe on the job. In this session you will learn about best practices when setting up the work zone, working in it, and taking it down.

Instructor: Todd Morrison PE

